My Story


Hey Megan here the crafter who makes all the items you see on my website, the one who replies to all messages and the person who talks to you on Facebook. 

I am a Mum of 2 girls Sienna 10 and Layla 8 and the wife of a Butcher (We are 16 years deep of love and laughter later!) I started this business when my youngest was only 18 months old, I wasn't feeling myself and wanted to do something more. When my mum asked me what makes me happy I showed her a craft machine, she bought it for me to try and help and ever since that day in 2016 my craft shop was created.

I have tried over the years to stop crafting and just work my day job, but something is always missing and I feel sad. Crafting is my happy place I need to keep busy and not just watch tv haha. 

My husband and girls help me pack orders when I get really busy, or my husband will take the girls out to play so I can create and pack orders.

I have bought several craft machines over the years and it depends on what I am making as to which one I am using. I have learnt a lot with trial and error, chucking things away a few tears and tantrums only to finally nail it weeks later.

Here are some fun facts for you well I don't know if you would say fun! 


I can also make any custom item so if you have something in mind that you don't see, send me a message I would love to help and chat! I loooove to chat tooooooo much sometimes haha!

In 6 years I have issued 5 refunds to people who were not happy with my products, I totally get that I am not for everyone. I was happy to refund them all, I did have a small sad moment and moved on life is too short!

Thanks for taking the time to check me out ;)  

Megs xox